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Comte, Lord Hector MANIQUET DU FAYET[1, 2]

Male - Yes, date unknown

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  • Name Hector MANIQUET DU FAYET 
    Title Comte, Lord 
    Born Barraux, France Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Gender Male 
    Died Yes, date unknown 
    Person ID I509410  Our Heritage | Fayd'herbe de Maudave Branch
    Last Modified 2 May 2020 

    Father Arthaud MANIQUET DU FAYET,   b. 1495, La Buissière, Isère, Rhône-Alpes, France Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Nov 7 1573, La Buissière, Isère, Rhône-Alpes, France Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 78 years) 
    Mother Helène-Marguerite DE CHEMINAL,   d. Yes, date unknown 
    Married Jan 4 1520  La Buissière, Isère, Rhône-Alpes, France Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F502656  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Marie ROUSSIN,   d. Yes, date unknown 
     1. Lord Charles MANIQUET DU FAYET,   b. Barraux, France Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. Yes, date unknown
    Last Modified 10 Feb 2020 
    Family ID F502655  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Documents
    Book Exert
    Book Exert
    Rough translation: Family of the Dauphine, whose author is Claude de Maniquet. Arthaud, his son married Heleine Cheminade, and was father of Hector, butler of the Queen of Navarre, sister of King Charles IX.
    Book Exert - Translated
    Book Exert - Translated
    Fayet later passed into the hands of the Rodes, who owned it in the 15th century. Several knights of this house stood out in Fomoue, in Ravenna, in Céri solles. On February 6, 1543, noble Pierre Rodes, who had married in Domhes, where he retired, sold the old residence to Arthaud Maniquet, squire, captain of Avallon.

    His son Hector replaced the present castle in the feudal tower. Guy Allard ensures that the Maniquets came from Italy in 1480.

    Arthaud owed to the credit of his son to be invested with the office of king's butler, an office then important and much sought after by the nobility. He had married Hélène Cheminade in 1590, of whom he had, in addition to Hector, who formed the subject of this article, Jean, who tested, in 1559, in favor of the Reformed Church of La Buissière.

    Twice, in 1573 and 1578, Éléonor, Duke of Longueville, passed (Hector) a power of attorney to settle various interests. A testimony of confidence of an otherwise delicate nature was granted to him by the sovereign himself.

    Chateau n du Fayet was honored with the birth of the Duke of Angouléme.

    Charles de Maniquet, Lord of Fayet, had married Élisabeau de Chaponnay, of whom he had, among other children, Prosper who follows.

    Prosper de Maniquet, lord of Fayet, captain in the Richelieu regiment, maintained in 1667 in his nobility by the intendant of the province, married Marie-Virginie Romain de Rivolles, whose family still exists in Tullins.

    Hector-Alexis de Maniquet, lord of Fayet, captain of cavalry in the Bourbon regiment, was the son of Prosper. He married Louise-Charlotte Perrenot de Grandvelle, who bore the name of an illustrious Franc-Comtoise house.

    They had a son, Georges-Hercule-Louis, knight of Saint-Louis, to whom his wife, Marianne Durand de la Châtre, did not give no posterity. He died in 1763. The inventory made after his death shows us that the pecuniary situation of the Maniquets had fallen well since Hector.
    The Fayet castle was acquired by the Marquis Planeili de la Valette, who sold it soon after.

  • Notes 
    • Butler of the Queen of Navarre, sister of King Charles IX.
    • Hector de Maniquet
      Before October 23, 1551, he married Marie Roussin, the only daughter of Jehan Roussin, bourgeois of Paris, and Marguerite-Marie (de) Juvenal.
      Ecuyer, lord of Fayet, Hector became adviser, administrator and ambassador of Léonor d'Orléans-Longueville, count of Neuchâtel, then of his widow Marie de Bourbon, from 1563 and at least until 1576. His talents as a recognized negotiator, Maniquet was received in 1567 butler of Marguerite de France, sister of the king (Queen Margot).
      On November 27, 1570, Hector was the master of ceremonies at Mézières, at the marriage of Charles IX with Elisabeth of Austria; later, in 1574, when she became a widow, it was Hector who was responsible for driving her back across the Rhine.

      An even more delicate expression of confidence was granted to Hector de Maniquet by the king. In 1573, Charles IX's mistress, Marie Touchet, having become pregnant for the second time, the king entrusted her to Hector, whose discretion he knew. She gave birth at the Château du Fayet on April 28, 1573, in the Cardinal's tower, of Charles, bastard of Valois, later Count of Auvergne and Duke of Angoulême.

      by buying in 1573, stones coming from the demolitions of the castle of La Buissière, and by destroying the old tower of the Cardinal, Maniquet completely rebuilt his castle of Fayet.
      On November 7, 1574, he made with his wife, an annuity in favor of Marie Touchet "bourgeois of Paris". This act was certainly not free, and puts us on the track of court donations for the benefit of our gentleman Dauphinois.
      He was moreover provided with the office of grand master of the Waters and Forests of Languedoc, Guyenne and Dauphiné, and worked with the regulation of these forests (1581).
      In 1580, Catherine de Médicis sent Maniquet to the king of Navarre (future Henri IV of France) and she charged him with various missions near the Protestant chiefs. He was received on September 5, 1582, a gentleman serving as Queen Margaret, and it was probably around this time that he was sent to the Swiss for a levy of 4,000 men who came to France.

      Hector died before April 30, 1585, leaving Marie Roussin five sons and three daughters:
      Ludovic de Maniquet, squire, lord of Haut, adviser to the king, grand-master reformers of the Waters and Forests of France following his father. Page of King Henry III, he lived in Paris in 1588. He was not known to have any alliance or descendants.
      Etienne de Maniquet, squire, lord of Hennevilliers. He lives in Paris, rue de La Mortellerie in the parish of Saint-Paul. Will be a prisoner time at the Conciergerie. Dead before February 1, 1642, he will have a natural son, Hélie, legitimized in January 1631, of Marie de La Terre Antoine de Maniquet, died very young.
      Maniquet beard, nun at Formonte Abbey
      Charles de Maniquet, lord of Fayet, kept in his nobility on March 30, 1638, commander of a company of cavalry. He lived in Paris rue de La Mortellerie in 1598, but at the age of fifty, he retired to Fayet and married in 1606 Isabeau de Chaponnay. Of which posterity.
      Marie de Maniquet, daughter of honor to the queen mother, died after 1624, who in 1583 married François de Gomer [9], knight, lord of Breuil-en-Brie and Luzancy. Of which posterity
      Catherine de Maniquet, died after 1642, who will marry Jacques Le Faure, squire, sieur de Morsan, provincial treasurer in Champagne then treasurer of France in Paris, died before 1623. Of which posterity
      Philibert-Emmanuel de Maniquet, which was held on the baptismal font by Catherine de Médicis and duke Philibert-Emmanuel de Savoie. Ecuyer, lord of the Sheepfold, man-at-arms of the Lesdiguières company, died after 1648, he had married in 1616 Claude de Graffart de Renevillette.

  • Sources 
    1. [S56] Dictionnaire universel de la noblesse de France , Jean Baptiste Pierre Jullien de Courcelles, https://books.google.com.au/books?id=1IgGAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA9&lpg=PA9&dq=Arthaud+MANIQUET+DU+FAYET&source=bl&ots=OEJaRV7TPu&sig=ACfU3U2RkDwbZ1WCsCVf9Twm3to1tDCybA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjuos3PnZTpAhUozzgGHbXwDB8Q6AEwAXoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=Arthaud%20MANIQUET%20DU%20FAYET&f=false (Reliability: 3).
      Page 9

    2. [S57] Notice sur Hector de Maniquet, seigneur du Fayet en Dauphiné, Anatole de Gallier, https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=71TJ4OWI0eoC&printsec=frontcover&pg=GBS.PA1 (Reliability: 3).